Author - aroubtsov

Google Suggests Chrome

The power Google has by virtue of their position is amazing. Consider two recent announcements from the ‘plex: Google Suggest is now a default feature of The impact here could be that people stop typing long detailed search phrases...

ClickEquations and Quality

Quality is a common and perhaps overused word in our marketing language. But when not used as an instrument of hype, there is a world of quality as in improvement, control, and process. One of our Search Marketing Managers, Matt LeVeque, is a member...

Quality Score Update Update

Most of the comments and analysis on the Google Quality Score updates, including my own, had mentioned the fact that the changes as described seemed to deal a death-blow to the old ‘good-ok-great’ Quality Score ranking system, but...

Has Web Analytics Jumped The Shark?

One morning in San Francisco last week, the happy-time morning folks on one of the TV networks interviewed the whole original cast of Happy Days. Howard Cunningham, Ralph Malph, Fonzie – all of them who aren’t now as rich as Ron Howard...

SES Sessions Quick Review

The session I participated in at SES on Tuesday got a write-up by Avi Wilensky (who clearly takes notes very quickly). It’s a good summary of my presentation and those of the other panelists. I’ll add some more thoughts and a copy of my...