Acquisio Blog

Acquisio’s Top 5 Blog Posts of All Time

The Daily Campaigner has been around for quite some time now, but wasn’t always known as such. In fact, our first iteration of the blog went live on March 23, 2007 but it wasn’t until we relaunched the blog this past March that we gave it the name The Daily Campaigner.

Anyone remember this minimalistic look?

Ahh, early internet memories. 

These days, the Acquisio blog is a place where we get to share our thoughts, our research, our data and our expertise with PPC and paid-media savvy marketers like yourself. With tens of thousands of visitors every month, we know that we’re sharing some really useful advice with our audience. And it looks a little snazzier too!

Since launch we took some time to reflect on what’s working and what’s not working in terms of our audience and our content. One of the most interesting discoveries was that there are a few champion posts that you guys, gals and bots just can’t get enough of – posts that stand a cut above the rest in terms of traffic and views. So we thought why not share this data with our beloved readers?

So here we go, without further ado, here are our top five blog posts of ALL TIME (and some may surprise you)!

Blog Post #1:

5 Simple Steps to Create a Facebook Retargeting Campaign


Jason Parks


June 2016 (updated from the original 2014 post)

Excerpt from the post:

The basics of Facebook retargeting are remarkably simple. You get an opportunity to re-engage with people who came to your ecommerce website, but did not make a purchase. Maybe you offer them a discount, or free shipping (why not A/B test both and see which one works best?). Whichever way it is that you choose to remarket to your potential customers on Facebook, you’ll need to start somewhere. Here’s a handy beginner guide to creating and understanding Facebook retargeting campaigns that will get you on your way to creating stellar remarketing campaigns that will help your sales take off.

Total Reads: 35,593


Blog Post #2

Google AdWords Modified Broad Match Keyword Tool


Marc Poirier


July 15, 2010

Excerpt from the post:

“Google AdWords has just released the Modified Broad Match to the rest of the world. After a successful test in Canada and the UK, they decided to unleash this great new feature to all advertisers. However, implementing this would require a lot of time in Excel, so we put together a quick and dirty little tool to help you get started with modified broad match keywords today.”

Total Reads: 16,876


Blog Post #3

6 Things You Can Do To Improve Your AdWords CTR Right Now


Mark John Hiemstra


January 19, 2016

Excerpt from the post:

“Job numero uno is to start optimizing your PPC ads for more clicks and start sending more traffic to your landing page (because you’re sending your PPC traffic to a landing page, not your homepage, right?). Not to mention the fact that as your clickthrough rate (CTR) goes up, your cost-per-click will most likely start to decrease. How do you get more clicks? Well, this is the $64,000 question that every PPC pro struggles with on a daily basis. Luckily, there are quite a few experts in our very challenging, data-driven business who have learned how to drive more traffic from PPC ads, and they have data and examples to prove it.”

Total Reads: 7,473


Blog Post #4

5 Tips on How to Write Great AdWords Ads From the Experts


Mark John Hiemstra


February 2, 2016

Excerpt from the post:

“Every day you’re hustling to compete with thousands of other advertisers bidding on the same keyword. And you’re trying to get those clicks and send traffic to your landing pages. There are some tricks you can use to make your ads stand out, and once you’ve got eyes on your ad, you need to make sure that the words in your ads are speaking to your audience, convincing them to click.”

Total Reads: 6805


Blog Post #5

5 Dirty Little Secrets about AdWords Conversion Optimizer


John Lee


June 5, 2013

Excerpt from post:

“When most advertisers discuss Google AdWords’ Conversion Optimizer, they speak highly of the tool. What is there not to like about a simple bid automation utility that can easily help you reach your CPA goals? On the surface, not much. However, if you dig a little bit deeper you will find plenty of reasons to more carefully consider the use of Conversion Optimizer. Here are 5 dirty little secrets to make you think twice.”

Total Reads: 5,056

We know our audience really likes listicles and how-to content, but this really paints the picture! We were surprised to see that it wasn’t the oldest posts that had simply been around enough to get tons of views, rather there was a nice mix of old and new content in the list above.

Interestingly, our most shared content of all time is not the most viewed or read. Here are the top four most shared blog posts of all time according to Buzzsumo:


And finally, who could forget our most commented post of all time? Coming in with 22 heated comments, was our data packed post What We Learned From Google’s Top 4 Change From 90,000 PPC Campaigns.

So there you have it – Acquisio’s most read, most shared and perhaps most controversial content EVER! Have a favorite post you’d like to tell us about? Leave us a note in the comments below – maybe you’ll end up in our next round up!


Image Credits

Feature Image: Unsplash/Ewan Robertson

All screenshots by Chandal Nolasco da Silva. Taken July 2017.

Image 1: Screenshot from Wayback Machine

Image 2:  Screenshot from Buzzsumo