Acquisio Blog

There Are Less Than 100 Days Until Black Friday: Here’s How PPC Marketers Can Prepare

It might seem like there are still a few whisps of summer left, but Black Friday is coming up fast. What you do now and in the next few weeks could make the difference in your Q4 return on ad spend, and in your return on ad spend for the entire year.

The goods news is that you do have enough time to get ready for this change. While November 29th (the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday) may be only a bit more than two months away, there’s time.

So breathe. Relax. But let’s get to work.

Your PPC prep for Black Friday chunks out into the following nine areas:

  1. Know what you’ll be selling.

Usually companies pick a short list of best-selling products or 1-2 offers and focus all their resources on pushing those items and/or deals. You need to get this year’s deals defined as soon as possible.

  1. Having all the elements you need to confidently sell those items.

As a PPC manager, you may not be directly responsible for all of these assets, but you’ll need them to do your job well. You will need ad creative, landing pages, follow-up emails – and (if you sell physical products) the assurance your company will have the items you’re selling in stock. If you are re-using creative assets from last year, make sure everything still exists and still works. No broken links on the landing page, please.

  1. Get your ads tuned up for Black Friday.

Here are just a few of the issues to address just with your ads:

  1. A bid and budget strategy pre-planned so you aren’t making (too many) snap decisions on the big day.

This is probably something you’ll need to work out with your boss. You need them to answer questions like:

  1. An understanding of what worked for your PPC campaigns and for your company in general last year on Black Friday and Black Friday weekend.

Run reports from last year’s Black Friday and Black Friday weekend performance. Refresh yourself on what did well and what didn’t.

  1. Your new Black Friday campaigns and channels (text ads, display ads, and shopping ads, Amazon ads) will have to be selected and then created well before you need to turn them on.
  1. If you’re going to try any new marketing or advertising tactics, they need to be tested them thoroughly before Black Friday.
    It’s not OK for some hot new technology to break on the big day.
  1. Decide If you want to skip advertising to a general audience and just do retargeting

Some PPC marketers see Black Friday as a huge ecommerce opportunity. Others see it as a day when all bid prices jump by 30% or more and customer service gets treated really badly. To avoid all the competition, these PPC marketers shut all regular campaigns down and switch to exclusively retargeting campaigns. Why? Because retargeting works so well. There are plenty of statistics to prove it.

  1. If you’re using automated bidding or any kind of machine learning platform to manage your PPC campaigns, you’re going to have to figure out how to turn off those automations and how to best run the campaigns yourself for a few days.

Why? Because Black Friday is a black swan event in PPC. Nothing behaves normally. Even if you have data on what happened last year for Black Friday PPC, this year is going to be different. Even some basic campaign settings, like Google’s Standard delivery option, won’t work on Black Friday because it’s based on historical data.

A PPC Marketer’s Action List for How to Get Ready for Black Friday and Black Friday Weekend

Here’s a rough calendar of what you need to get done every week from now until Black Friday. As you can see, there is enough time – but there isn’t a lot of extra time.


4th week of September (September 23-27)


1st week of October (September 30-October 4)

2nd week of October (October 7-October 11)

3rd week of October (October 14-October 18)

4th week of October (October 21-October 25)

5th week of October (October 28-Nov 1)


1st week of November (November 4- November 8)

2nd week of November (November 11- November 15)

3rd week of November (November 18- November 22)

4th week of November (November 25- November 29)

After the third week of December (or all the way up to Monday, December 23rd for those of you who do rush shipping), begin transitioning your campaigns back to normal.

Parting Thoughts

2018’s Black Friday generated $6.22 billion in ecommerce sales, up 23.6% from the year prior. If that trend continues, this year we’ll all rack up $7.69 billion in online spending. In one day.

Get your Black Friday PPC ducks in a row, and you’ve got a great shot at getting your slice of those billions. Good luck!



  1. Unsplash, Thor Alvis.