Acquisio Blog

Manual Vs. Automated Bidding Quiz: What’s the Best Strategy for You?

How do you know if it’s time to start testing and experimenting with automated bidding? Some people actually don’t have accounts that are the best fit for automated bidding, while others could be doing worlds better than they are with the flick of a switch. Navigating all the rules, parameters and best practices can sometimes be confusing. Take our handy manual vs automated bidding quiz to find out which strategy makes the most sense for your current portfolio.

1. How many campaigns do you manage each month?

2. I typically run ad campaigns for my clients on:

3. I typically adjust bids:

4. Each month, I typically spend:

5. When it comes to the best time to increase bids:

6. When I create my client reports each month:

7. My client campaigns are:

8. When it comes to balancing bids and budgets across publishers:

9. When I run impression share reports:

10. When it comes to actually managing bids and budgets on behalf of clients:

Quiz: Is It Time To Get Automated?
For Now, Manual Bidding is Better
You and automated bidding aren’t friends yet. For now you’ve got manual bidding on your side and you’re doing just fine! In fact, using automated bidding in your case may actually be the wrong strategy for your clients.
Balance Both Manual and Automated Bidding
You’re ready to start experimenting with automated bidding but don’t necessarily have to go all in. Some of your accounts could be put on machine learning to automate bidding tasks intelligently, but others will still have to be managed manually. You’ll have to balance your time between automated and manual bidding tasks to get the best results for your current portfolio of clients.
It's Time to Get Automated!
You’re the perfect candidate for automated bidding. You can make your life easier and get better results while doing it by turning on machine learning or setting up some rule-based automation. If bidding and/or client results have got you down, you can get back up knowing there is a solution and a way back to results town!

Share your Results:

For a full rundown on the pros, cons and strategies of automated bidding download a copy of our latest eBook: The Agency Guide to Automated Bidding!


Image Credits

Feature Image: Unsplash/Chris Liverani