Acquisio Blog

Take Our Quiz: Are You a Local Marketer?

There’s a lot of confusion in our industry about what local marketing is exactly. There is the misconception that local marketing is the same thing as small business marketing, and while the two often intersect, they’re different.

Some assume that local marketing is easy as pie, others say they wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. There are even a handful of marketers that say they do local marketing but don’t know what a local awareness ad campaign is on Facebook!

If you’re unsure about whether or not to call yourself a local marketer, take our quiz to find out:

How many local marketing proposals have you created in the last 6 months?

What percentage of your clients have multiple locations?

Has your SEO recommended URL structure with location hierarchy?

Have you done event marketing on behalf of a client?

How many Google My Business pages have you set up for your clients?

Have you done a local awareness Facebook ad campaign for a client?

Do you know what it means to run a geo-fencing or competitive conquesting campaign?

Are You A Local Marketer?
You're a Local Marketing Superstar!

You literally eat, sleep and breathe local marketing. It emits from your pores. Local is your middle name. You were born to do local marketing, so go out and help some local businesses with your superpower!
You're Not Cut Out for Local

You have many strengths, but local marketing is not one of them. It's probably better for all the local businesses out there if you let the pros handle their campaigns. You just stick to what you're good at.
You're an Up and Coming Local Marketer

While you still have room to grow, you have a lot of potential as a local marketer. Keep learning and refining your craft because there are millions of local businesses who are going to need your help.

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