Advertising only the vehicles that are in stock can be a real challenge for automotive marketers. Learn how these automotive juggernauts automatically generate search and display campaigns based on their latest inventory!

What You’ll Learn:

Acquisio partners, Mudd Advertising and 3GEngagement, discuss the importance of automation with inventory-feed campaigns to increase efficiency and improve performance, including:

  • How automotive marketing has changed over the last few years
  • How to create dynamic search and display campaigns that are inventory driven
  • How machine learning powers dynamic automotive campaigns for optimized performance and better results

Your Webinar Hosts

Dave Meindl

Dave Meindl

Project Analyst, Mudd Advertising

As Project Analyst at Mudd Advertising, Dave Meindl streamlines Mudd’s digital marketing systems and processes to help the company provide reliable, effective, scalable products and services to its hundreds of automotive dealership clients.

Chris Hanson

Chris Hanson

CEO and Co-Founder, 3GEngagement

Chris Hanson has been involved in the car business since 1997 where he started selling cars. He got involved in the internet early on, was the Director of eCommerce for a couple of dealer groups, Digital Strategist for Subaru and four years ago he Founded 3GEngagement a digital marketing company for dealerships.

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