Tag - Mobile

Mobile Paid Search 101

In this clip, Marc Poirier Co-Founder and VP Marketing at Acquisio talks about mobile PPC and its implications for your paid search campaigns. Specifically, he looks at (1) the growth of mobile PPC, (2) what kind of advertisers it affects the most...

Mobile Ad Opportunities in 2012

So every year since 1990-something, people have been predicting that the following year was going to be the year of mobile. Whether 2012 will turn out to be the year of mobile or not is anyone’s guess, but two things that are certain are...

Google on iPhone and Local Search

Continuing the trend of pontificating about next year, playing with the new Google iPhone Search App, it occurs to me that this is IT for igniting local search. (NY Times Story Here) Whenever Google starts putting ads into those results that is...