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Outlasting Facebook: Three Tips to Survive the Next Paradigm Shift

The Facebook Ad Exchange is the current big news item in this current news cycle. Some say monetization attempts will drive people away, some say something better will come along, while others insist Facebook will stand the test of time. The question remains, though, whether or not Facebook will last at its current stature. Facebook’s anticlimactic entrance and steady decline on the stock market casts a dreary shadow on its future path. A decade ago the Internet was all about amassing information. Today it’s also about social connections. If history tells us anything, it’s that the only thing we can count on is change. If we can count on it so definitively, then why not plan for it?

1. Balance growth

Take a lesson from companies in the past that have gotten too big for their own good. Keep from being a fad that fades away as quickly as it rose in popularity by not getting greedy. MySpace is a perfect example of this greed, as it allowed its driving force, advertisements, to become too intrusive. Just as customers abandoned that ship for Facebook, they will leave you in their digital dust if ads interfere with their online experience all the time.

2. Manage leads effectively

Once you have an established customer base, do what you can to maintain their attention. Engage your clients and potential clients regularly so they don’t forget about you and their interests that connected them to you in the first place. Keeping these connections is exponentially cheaper than generating new ones, so it’s a no-brainer to invest a little time and money into relationship maintenance.

3. Be willing to change

If you are not busy thinking about the next big thing, someone else will be, if they’re not already. The underlining theme for lasting success in business has always been a proclivity for positive change. Keep your eyes on new trends as well as time-tested strategies, and don’t underestimate out-of-the-box thinking that might lead to radical new ways of generating business. The next paradigm shift might be made to a completely mobile Internet. It might be something fundamentally different. Regardless of what it is, you can either be part of it or fade into a history as dark as a link on the last page of a Google search. Move forward or disappear; the choice is yours. Image Credit: