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Guide to Ecommerce PPC Management: Stats, Facts & Data

When you’re an online business owner there are so many marketing channels to juggle in order to ensure that your online presence is as good as it can be. After all, more than 93% of online experiences begin with a search, and 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results!

A sure-fire way to boost your online visibility is through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Organic SEO is ridiculously competitive, so PPC is a great avenue to explore because it delivers the benefits of a high search ranking in a much more immediate way. Additionally, PPC results are always placed above organic search results, meaning more of the search traffic travels to those results.

PPC advertising, according to some studies, can increase traffic to your website by a massive 300%! It’s no surprise really when you consider 64% of high commercial intent keyword searchers (basically, people looking to buy), click on sponsored results as opposed to 35% who click on organic links.

However, in order to gain the best results from PPC advertising you need to learn how to manage it like an expert. Fortunately, the folks over at AmeriCommerce have created a great infographic as part of the Hitchhiker’s Guide Series that focuses on just that! Check out the infographic below to find out all of the stats, facts, and data you need on PPC management: