Acquisio Blog

The Best Social Media Holiday Ads of 2018

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — the holidays — and it’s one of our team’s most favorite times of year to spot innovative or engaging ads on social platforms. While there’s been many changes to social ads this year, including Facebook rolling out new ad formats (and renaming others), there was no shortage of ads in our feeds to share with you.

Here are just a few of our favorites that stood out this year:

Arthritis Society’s Holiday Campaign

Ads aren’t just for shopping this holiday season. This campaign on both Facebook and Instagram uses compelling holiday imagery and copy to capture attention and bring awareness to their cause.

Iconic L.L. Bean

Retailer L.L. Bean uses iconic brand imagery with a holiday twist and pairs it with a discount. This sidebar ad on Facebook stood out from all others by tapping into the brand’s reputation and the holiday season.

LoveBookOnline’s Heartfelt Gift Idea

This Facebook ad uses an emotional pull to position a unique gift idea for the holidays. The copy shares LoveBook as an easy gift idea and gets bonus points for use of holiday emojis. Plus, the image of a beloved pet adds to the warmth of this heartfelt gift idea.

Hudson’s Bay: Instant Experience Canadiana Ad

Canadian retailer Hudson’s Bay makes the most of Facebook’s Instant Experiences ad format. This ad plays into Canadian pride and nostalgia and uses eye-catching imagery that stands out in a newsfeed full of holiday-themed ads.

On Brand Beauty with Caudalie

Who says your holiday ads have to be traditional? French beauty brand Caudalie caught our attention in the Instagram feed with an on-brand take on the holidays showcasing their product line.

The Glenlivet Memorable Holiday Gifts

Personalization is always hot for the holidays! This ad placed in Instagram Stories from The Glenlivet walks through how to personalize their brand for the scotch lovers on your shopping list.

Michael Kors’ Never Late to the Party

This engaging Instagram Story ad from Michael Kors shows off their line of designer watches with an on-brand holiday message of “never late to the party.” This ad features branded images along with fast-paced music and a clear “shop now” call-to-action.

Causebox’s Simple Snow

This simple Instagram Stories ad from Causebox caught our eye with the animated snow and clear call-to-action.

Foodland’s Sweeten the Celebration

Grocery chain Foodland’s Instagram Story ad is sure to make your mouth water and have you wanting to bake all your favorite holiday treats.

Norwegian Cruise Lines Tempting Offer

Finally, this ad stood out from a sea of holiday ads on Instagram by featuring vibrant colors and offering an alternative to the holiday madness. The simple message and evocative image are inviting and instantly makes you stop and think, “Yes, I should book that cruise.” Well played by Norwegian Cruise Lines.

As you’re scrolling your Facebook and Instagram accounts this holiday season, be sure to watch out for what gets your attention. You never know where you’ll get some inspiration for your 2019 campaigns. The Acquisio team wishes you a very happy new year and a successful 2019.


Image Credits

Feature Image: UnsplashMax Bender

All screenshots by author. Taken December 2018 from Facebook and Instagram.