Acquisio Blog

7 Steps to Better Landing Page Engagement

As the saying goes, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Unfortunately, in the world of digital marketing, too many people judge a website, product, or service by its landing page, giving your business only a brief chance to make a lasting first impression.

You need your landing page to hook customers right from the get-go and help them to engage with your product or service. But how? Here are seven steps to make the most of your landing page by improving engagement.

1. Film an explainer video. Explainer videos are self-explanatory- they show your potential customers how your product/service works and why it’s such an awesome idea. You can film your own for cheap, and have some fun with it by showing off your company’s personality!

2. Include social sharing buttons. If your landing page has content such as an explainer video or a whitepaper, include social sharing buttons to make it that much easier for viewers to quickly and easily share your cool content.

3. Link to your landing page in relevant blog posts. Comb through your archives and link to your landing page in relevant blog posts; you can even get fancy and create a button that links to your landing page. Similarly…

4. Plan your future blog content around your offers. Once you know you have an offer in the pipeline, start building out your blog’s content calendar to have at least one post per week that relates to your offer. Your readers will be much more likely to continue their reading onto another page if you present your offer’s landing page as related to a subject you already know they’re interested in.

5. Headings are your friend. Use H2s and H3s strategically to break up your landing page so that it’s easier for readers (and search engines) to quickly scan and understand.

6. Keep your landing page simple. Your audience should be able to view your landing page and almost immediately know the value of your product or service. If you’re having a hard time narrowing that down, try putting your top three values in a list or formula such as “How [Product/Service Name] Helps You [Desired Results].”

7. Optimize your landing page’s sign up form. If your landing page is focused on lead generation, you need to make it as easy as possible for potential leads to sign up for your e-mail list. Ask for only the necessary information that you absolutely have to have (name, email, and possibly one other thing, such as location or position at company), make the sign up form eye-catching by putting it in a box that’s a contrasting color from the rest of the page with a brightly colored button, and include a call-to-action as the heading of your form (for example, “Start Your Free Trial Now”).

Your landing page is a huge opportunity to catch new customers, and you need to maximize it. Use these tips to improve engagement on your landing page and get the most out of your landing page.