Acquisio Blog

5 Critical PPC Metrics to Enhance Customer Engagement – A New Metrics Model

By now, certain things in online marketing have become “traditional.” It is, in fact, astounding to think that in the short space of time that we have dedicated to spreading advertising messages online that we could have come that far already, but here we are. Certain aspects of how we measure the success of online marketing are obvious; others are more difficult to see. What it comes down to is what your client wants to achieve – and what all marketers need to remember is that marketing isn’t just about clicks and conversions. Brands have a lot more invested in being online than just selling their products. A big part of marketing is being ubiquitous: being everywhere, being the thing that people think of for no reason, and being the very first thing that people think of when they want to buy a product or service that the brand offers – because they’ve spent so much time with that brand, and have built up so much trust, they wouldn’t put another thought into going anywhere else.

On Wednesday, April 4th at 12:00PM CDT, CMO & Co-Founder of Acquisio, Marc Poirier will be delivering a webinar hosted by the American Marketing Association, in which he will teach you tried and true methods of measuring the engagement of customers. It’s no longer just enough to engage – brands and their marketers need to captivate their audience. And the only way to find out how successful those efforts are is by accessing a new set of metrics that will provide much deeper insight into the user behaviors, analyzing that data, and implementing the results. You will learn how to seamlessly synthesize your Paid Search and Web Analytics data and take your marketing to a whole new level. To register for the webinar, please click here now. See you there!