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3 Strategies for Profitable Traffic from Facebook Ads

I know this might be hard to believe, but there’s a very simple strategy for Facebook Advertising that can open up additional streams of profitable traffic, actually there are three (that we’ve proved successful).

Before jumping into these Facebook PPC strategies, it’s important to start with a goal, as with any marketing campaign. You can choose to target website visits, Facebook likes, or maybe you just want to increase Facebook engagement. The following three strategies will focus on website visits and conversions.

First, I highly recommend using News Feed ads over right column ads. These News Feed ads will almost always result in higher click-through rates (CTR) because they are displayed inline with other content that the user is already following and they have large images just as an article in the New Feed would. Basically they blend right in with other Facebook content and don’t appear to be blatant ads (which some may ignore). It is important to note that a Facebook business page is required for News Feed ads, but not necessary for right column ads.

1- Facebook Remarketing Strategy

Facebook allows you to display ads to any user that has visited your website. All you have to do is place a snippet of code on every page of your website. Yes, I recommend you place this code on every page because it will allow you to get creative with audiences and you can always exclude certain pages using the Facebook Ads interface later. There are four main benefits to Facebook retargeting:

  1. Branding – By displaying your brand on Facebook to a user who has previously visited your website, you are increasing the frequency by which this user is exposed to your brand and also increasing the chances that they will buy from you when they are ready to make that particular purchase.
  2. Increased CTR – The likelihood of a user who has visited your website at some point to then click on your ad somewhere else on the internet, in this case Facebook, is increased because they are now familiar with your brand and more likely to click.
  3. Increased Conversion Rates – Your ad will be displayed to a user who has shown interest in your products or services and will likely lead to higher conversion rates at a lower cost per acquisition.
  4. Specific Audience Targeting – Remarketing is enhanced when you show specific ads of specific products or services the user was interested in. You can achieve this by defining custom audiences using Facebook’s “Audiences” tool.

2- Facebook Email Targeting

I’m going to assume that you already have an email list of current customers as well as potential customers. You can import these email lists into Facebook as custom audiences and if the email addresses match up with Facebook email addresses, then you’ve got yourself two highly targeted audiences to display ads to.

I would suggest keeping the customer and prospect audiences separate since they will likely require different ad messages. Current customer audiences give you the opportunity to upsell your products/services or even ask for referrals. You know what to do with the prospect audience, show them an offer and get them back into the conversion funnel. This type of targeting will typically get you a lower cost-per-click than other Facebook ads.

3- Scale with Lookalike Audiences

It’s no surprise that the first two successful Facebook Advertising strategies mentioned above were based around users who are or were at some point interested in your products and services. Facebook Lookalike Audiences gives you the ability to take your existing custom audiences and create statistically similar audiences based on attributes of the audience of your choice. This give you a tremendous opportunity to scale your reach to audiences who behave just like your current customers and prospects.

Lookalike audiences can be further enhanced or scaled back (if the reach is too large) by layering other targeting options on top of these. Some examples of targeting options are location, age, gender, workplace, relationship status, language and education.

PPC Professionals has tested and proved these three strategies successful with many different clients in many different industries. Your success with Facebook Advertising will be dependent on the time and effort you put into segmenting your audiences and showing them relevant ads. For more information, listen to my podcast about Facebook PPC Management and don’t be shy to ask any questions.