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15 of the Best Call-to-Action Examples We’ve Seen Across the Web

The customer journey is full of different brand touch-points. The call-to-action or CTA is a consistent element that bridges the gap between these touch-points. CTAs are not only a logistical UX device, but also an opportunity to persuade and build trust. But how do you create compelling calls-to-action that your prospects, customers and users can’t ignore? Let’s dissect 15 CTA examples spotted across the web – some of the best we’ve seen to date! They’re organized by channel, starting with PPC, moving on to social CTAs and more. Each one provides unique ideas you can apply to all of your marketing efforts (at all stages of the customer journey).

PPC Call-to-Action Examples

1. Trabocca

It’s known that 80% of entrepreneurs who drink coffee succeed. Ok, I made that statistic up. But most of us looooove coffee (at least once in a while).

Trabocca is a coffee wholesaler that sells their coffee beans in bulk. In the PPC ad below, they use their entire ad copy as an opportunity to showcase their call-to-action.

CTA example trabocca

They’re persuading you to take action from the beginning, giving you plenty of reason to do so: get free samples. It’s a risk-free trial for any coffee shop looking for new coffees (or the consumer who can’t live without a 60kg bag of coffee at home).

How to emulate this:

  • Use your call-to-action as a frame for your copy
  • Include social-proof points and benefits within the call-to-action itself

2. SendGrid

Marketers rely on email as a key communications channel. SendGrid provides such a platform, allowing users to send marketing and transactional emails using their powerful API.

The ad below is a result we get when searching for “email marketing software:”

CTA example sendgrid

At first glance, their call-to-action (“Free Sign-up”) appears to be buried within the copy. However, it follows up in order to reduce friction, adding that it’s free and no credit card details are required to give it a spin.

How to emulate this:

  • Include call-to-action addendums that answer frequent objections
  • Include sitelinks to reiterate the primary call-to-action and drive attention

3. Countsy

Accounting and HR service Countsy have reserved their calls-to-action exclusively to the sitelinks in their Google Ads:

CTA example countsy

As you can see, the ad copy itself is reserved solely for their service features and benefits. They treat their copy as a “micro-sales letter”, saving the call-to-action for the bottom of the ad.

How to emulate this:

  • Reserve your ad copy for benefits and social proof points
  • Use sitelinks to highlight calls-to-action

Social Media CTA Examples

4. Camtasia

Facebook ads provide little opportunity to tailor your CTA. You have specific options to choose from, such as “Shop Now,” “Learn More” etc.

Therefore, it’s what you do around that call-to-action that matters. Here, Camtasia have used action-driven copy such as “create professional videos” that act in a similar manner as the call-to-action:

CTA example camtasia

Of course, that’s not the only thing they’ve done well. Their video is incredibly eye-catching and also ends with a call-to-action for viewers who make it to the end.

How to emulate this:

  • Work with any limitations by intelligently placing extra calls-to-action for the same desired consumer action
  • Reinforce your call-to-action within your marketing creative (video, imagery and copy)

5. NonExecutiveDirectors.com

If you’re serious about your career (or becoming a thought leader in your space), it’s likely you’ve been using LinkedIn. And the more users on LinkedIn, the more powerful their advertising platform becomes.

NonExecutiveDirectors.com are taking full advantage of this fact. Here, they target those who may have an interest in taking on an executive role (while framing them as “non-execs”):

CTA example non exec directors dot com

Similar to the Facebook Ad example above, the call-to-action is embedded within the ad creative itself. It appears as if it’s a button, which draws more eyeballs and can increase click-through rates.

How to emulate this:

  • Use web design and landing page principles within your ad
  • Include your call-to-action within the ad headline if possible

6. Amazon Business

You browse Twitter, and see an ad from a brand that you already know and trust. Chances are you’re more likely to pay attention.

In the example below, Amazon Business have used clever targeting to identify existing customers who also run their own businesses:

CTA example amazon business

The ad gets to the point, asking the prospect to take action. Similar to the example from Trabocca earlier, the copy is the call-to-action. The prospect already knows and trusts the Amazon brand, which is why they can focus on copy further down the funnel.

How to emulate this:

  • Serve tailored calls-to-action based on the needs of specific customer segments
  • Focus on specific calls-to-action that promise features and results

Display Ad Call-to-Action Examples

7. Bing

While Bing is usually known as a search engine, they also have several other offerings (they are Microsoft after all) — including their Food & Drink app:

CTA example bing

In the ad above, they use ad copy to outline features. Only in the call-to-action do they focus on anything remotely benefit-driven: “Get cooking.”

How to emulate this:

  • Use your call-to-action copy to outline the result or benefit your customer will receive
  • The rest of the ad should begin the journey, leading to your call-to-action as the conclusion

8. Cisco

Sometimes, advertising concepts can be fluffy and intangible. The campaign for the ad below focuses on cyber fraud, talking about the importance of security for businesses in all aspects of their business:

CTA example cisco

The call-to-action asks a simple question, the answer to which is either “yes” or “no.” Those who understand the importance of cybersecurity will answer “yes.” These people are more likely to click-through, allowing Cisco to attract their ideal audience.

How to emulate this:

  • Don’t be afraid to polarize
  • Use questions to attract your ideal customer and position your product

9. Lightroom

Millennials have upped their Instagram game all over the world, racing to create the most beautiful photos. As a result, Adobe’s Lightroom software has grown massively in popularity:

CTA example lightroom

This is a unique example, as the headline can be considered a call-to-action. They’re asking us to “meet the new Lightroom,” followed by the true call-to-action “Join now.” This creates a sense of community, tapping into their audience’s FOMO.

How to emulate this:

  • Be creative with your call-to-action placement when faced with limited space
  • Entice users to click by tapping into their emotions, such as urgency and FOMO

Pop-Up Call-to-Action Examples

10. Wishpond

When it comes to pop-ups, most people either love them or hate them. So it only felt fitting that we included pop-up platform Wishpond as the first example:

CTA example wishpond

At first glance, there doesn’t seem to be anything special about this call-to-action. However, sometimes being simple is the best option. The headline works effectively within the context of how it’s being served, and the copy itself focuses on the benefit.

The call-to-action just needs to pop and get users to take action. Which is what good calls-to-action should do.

How to emulate this:

  • Feel free to use simple call-to-action copy if your ad effectively nurtures and persuades
  • Make sure to use contrasting colors to ensure it grabs attention

11. Huckberry

Sometimes it’s not how clever a call-to-action is, but the options it gives us. Here, Huckberry uses a welcome mat to entice blog visitors to join their newsletter:

CTA example huckberry

Once again, there’s nothing special about the copy used. And the colors almost fade into the ad. But the entire welcome mat takes up most of the space, giving the calls-to-action plenty of room to breathe.

This allows visitors to choose their preferred medium to sign up with: Facebook or email. Giving two different options reduces friction for those who are protective of one over the other.

How to emulate this:

  • Don’t be afraid to provide more than one call-to-action if that’s what users desire
  • Give your call-to-actions plenty of room to breathe. White space can help them get more attention

12. Tim Ferriss

You sometimes need to give value up front in order for people to take action. Lead magnets have been a strong content marketing pillar for years, and Tim Ferriss uses them well:

CTA example tim ferriss

Here, he offers his list of morning rituals to make him more productive. The call-to-action, “Unlock The List,” implies they’re secretly hidden away.

How to emulate this:

  • Use exclusivity to make users feel like they’re getting in on something
  • Include other scarcity-inducing methods to encourage people to click-through

Landing Pages Call-to-Action Examples

13. Alexa

The customer journey isn’t linear. No matter how much we’d like to “guide buyers down the funnel,” they’ll always find roundabout ways to get the information they need.

Alexa knows this, which is why they include a primary and secondary call-to-action on their landing pages:

CTA example alexa seo

If people aren’t ready to try their SEO platform, they can check out how it works and the features they can expect.

How to emulate this:

  • Include a secondary call-to-action for those who need more information (I know this is contrary to traditional CRO practices, but it’s worth an A/B test)
  • Make your follow-up call-to-action guide them toward the primary goal eventually

14. Lyft

For marketers, it often feels like we’re trying to get something out of our prospect’s grasp when writing our call-to-action. Why not take the power back?

Take a page from Lyft’s book. When someone wants to become a driver, they have to apply. They’re not just given it:

CTA example lyft

It’s okay to make users “work” for an outcome. As long as the payoff matches the positioning, or there’s a legitimately good reason to do so. In Lyft’s case, they can’t let just anyone work for their customer base. The vetting process is not only important for their business model, it’s legally required.

How to emulate this:

  • Use language with “extreme scarcity” to make prospects feel like they’re the ones who benefit from taking action
  • Be careful and only use this technique when it matches the positioning

15. Autopilot

Using testimonials and client logos are proven ways of building social proof. But did you know you can use these proof-points within your calls-to-action?

Many products and services now allow users to sign-up and login using third party platforms. For example, customers of Autopilot can sign in using their Google accounts:

CTA example autopilot

This reduces the amount of perceived friction when signing up (most Google users are now conditioned to expect a streamlined login experience). Not only that, but using Google’s logo acts as a social proof point. You can also do this with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

How to emulate this:

  • Piggyback on relationships with trusted third-parties
  • Allow users to sign-in using existing accounts on third-party platforms, boosting proof and reducing friction

Crafting the perfect call-to-action can feel like a science. Hopefully some of these CTA examples inspired you! How are you currently optimizing and testing new ways of boosting conversions? Get involved in the comments.


Image Credits

All screenshots taken by author, September 2018.
Feature Image: UnsplashKatya Austin 
Image 1-3: via Google SERPs
Image 4: Camtasia ad, via Facebook
Image 5: NonExecutiveDirectors.com ad, via LinkedIn
Image 6: Amazon Business ad, via Twitter
Image 7: via Bing
Image 8: via Cisco
Image 9: via Lightroom
Image 10: via Wishpond
Image 11: via Huckberry
Image 12: via Tim Ferriss
Image 13: via Alexa
Image 14: via Lyft
Image 15: via Autopilot

Cassy Trussell

Cassy Trussell

Cassy is Acquisio's Content Specialist and resident Community Manager. With degrees in both Communication Studies and Graphic Design, coupled with agency and freelance design and copywriting experience, she has an ideal trifecta of skills to back up the entire marketing team. A passionate foodie, she can tell you all the best dishes in the city. When she's not writing, designing, or engaging with Acquisio's community, she spends time with her dog Derp, a local Instagram star.

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